Away From Home on Vacation/Business
Notify the police department if you will be away from home. They will need to know what lights will be left on, whether or not vehicles will be parked in the driveway, if anyone will be entering or leaving the premises during your absence, and a phone number where you can be reached during an emergency. The police will then investigate any abnormal circumstances.
Child Seat Installation Program
Learn more about the Child Seat Installation Program
Two South Park Police Officers are now certified as child safety technicians. The two officers can locate recalled seats and install every type of child seat into every type of vehicle. The Township of South Park would like to extend a new service to our residents. To have your child seat checked for recalls and installation problems call us at (412) 833-1000 to make an appointment.
Emergency Phone Numbers
Police, Fire and Ambulance
Police Department Non-Emergency
Non-Emergency: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
(412) 473-3056
(412) 833-1000 |
Temporary Dumpsters: Ordinance No. 698 was adopted on May 11, 2020, for the purpose of regulating the use of portable storage containers, temporary dumpsters, and other refuse containers within the Township. Any questions concerning the use of portable storage containers/dumpsters, or to obtain a permit, please contact the Code Enforcement Office at 412-831-7000. To read Ordinance #698 in its entirety, please click here.
Animal Control: Residents should be aware that dogs and cats are not permitted to run at large in South Park Township. For information about Animal Control Services, please call 724-503-4417.
Dog Licenses: A yearly license, valid from January 1st to December 31st, is required for any dog that is six (6) months of age or older. A license can be obtained at the Municipal Building by presenting a current rabies certificate. The township fee for a license is $2.00.
Also, any dog that is three (3) months of age or older must receive a rabies shot. For more information on obtaining a Dog License, please contact the Administration Office at 412-831-7000.
Home Occupations and No-Impact Home-Based Business: The Township of South Park has a 'Home Occupation Ordinance' in effect. For registration or information, contact the Code Enforcement Officer at: (412) 831-7000 Ext. 115.
House Numbers: Ordinance No. 439 requires that house or building numbers, not less than 3 ½ inches shall be displayed on the front of the building in a prominent place so that the numbers are visible from the street. Click here to read Ordinance #439.
Taxes & Rates
About Earned Income Tax
Earned Income
Per Capita
Local Services Tax |
1% (½% Township & ½% School District)
$15/year ($5 Township, $10 School District)
$52/year |
Trash Collection & Recycling
Learn more about Refuse, Recycling and Sewer
County Hauling provides the township's trash collection and recycling services. For more information about County Hauling, the collection days or other important Refuse and Recycling information please follow the link above.
Utility Companies That Service Township Residents