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South Park Township, located approximately twelve miles south of Pittsburgh, is a growing community, rich in history dating back to the 1700’s. The Township, formerly known as Snowden Township, encompasses over 5,800 acres and includes the areas of Library, Broughton and Snowden.

The area of Library was the name given to an area once known as “Loafers’ Hollow”. Residents considered the name “Loafers’ Hollow” inappropriate and changed the name to Library in honor of the first library established in this area in 1833 by John Moore. The area of Broughton was once called Curry and was renamed Broughton in order to avoid confusion. The Snowden area was named after Judge John Snowden of Pittsburgh.

South Park Township has grown from a population of 831 in the 1900’s to a current estimated population of 13,727.

The park-like setting of South Park has attracted many families to settle here. The majority of the Township is composed of residential housing. This is further evidenced by the ongoing construction of new homes in the area.

Perhaps one reason for South Park’s growth is the Township’s commitment to serving the community. From providing the basic essentials such as police protection, two volunteer fire departments, emergency medical service and public works to the much desired services such as comprehensive recreation program and a first-rate public library, the Township is dedicated to serving the residents the best way possible.

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